"Marvel at super structures that you creat using Engineering concepts and your limitless imagination! Kids construct bridges and skyscrapers using simple Engineering concepts like forces, design and efficiency
They can make a self-supporting arched bridge as designed by Leonardo Da Vinci
Kids will discover how seemingly weak materials like paper can become strong building elements
Completed instruction guide features ideas and thoughful questions to pnder and investigate
Details: 20 Wooden sticks 30 sheets of paper 18 sheets of cardstock 1 blank newspaper sheet 1 tape roll 1 register tape roll 2 base plates 1 bag Instruction Guide
STEAM Program: According to the MacArthur Foundation, "65% of today's grade school kids will end up doing work that hasn't even been invented yet
" The fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics are more important than ever to help develop minds that are ready for the 21st century
This hands-on learning kit helps children explore the fascinating fields of STEAM
The kit includes everything needed, along with a comprehensive instruction guide, to introduce unique learning concepts
Professor Flubberstein guides children on their learning journeys through these exciting topics!